A trilogy of MPCT Newport Learners pass out at HMS Raleigh.

There seems to be no stopping the Learners from MPCT Newport at the moment.  So many positive progression stories to share at the moment. Last week, not one, not two, but three of their Learners had the privilege of passing out together at HMS Raleigh! Congratulations to (from left to right) Mr K Davies, Mr

Our CEO, Huw Lewis, features in ACT Training’s Insight magazine

Have you seen the November issue of ACT Insight? On page 15 you will find a fantastic article about our partnership with ACT Training. To reiterate our CEO’s words ‘ACT want the very best for their young people and we want exactly the same’ To read the article, follow the link below.

All prepped and ready for annual SLT awards.

On final planning for our company wide SLT Awards. It is set to be a fantastic way to celebrate achievements and hard work of the year before and enable us to look forward altogether on a very promising and exciting 2020. The event will honour every single MPCT employee in attendance and thank them for

MPCT Newport Ex- Learner Luke Andrews joins the Paras!

Congratulations to MPCT Newport Ex- Learner Luke Andrews who has passed out of phase 2 training as a Private in the Parachute Regiment. Paratroopers are trained to conduct a range of missions, from prevention and pre-emption tasks, to complex, high intensity war fighting. Watchwords are professionalism, resilience, discipline, versatility, courage and self-reliance. After completing the

MPCT Newport Learners make outstanding Royal Marines.

Former MPCT Newport Learner, Marine Michael Nothnagel recently passed out of training as the Commando Medalist.  Here he stands proudly with his younger brother Jonathan,  a current Learner at MPCT Newport. Jonathan, who is on the Royal Marines Look at Life course at CTCRM, Lympstone this week. is hoping to follow in his brothers footsteps.

Former MPCT Learner and Head Office Apprentice in week 5 of training at CTCRM

Former MPCT Learner, IT Apprentice in Head Office and now Royal Marines Recruit is in Week 5 of Training at CTCRM, Lympstone. Scott moved from Kenya in December 2017 and joined Military Preparation College Cardiff on January 5th 2018. When he first came to the college, Scott said his physical fitness was quite low, but

MPCT Aldershot Ambassador Mr Harry Skilton heads to CTCRM

We support all Learners in gaining a positive progression through a number of avenues: military progression, further education, apprenticeships, work-based training or employment We also like to celebrate our Learners progression. MPCT Aldershot college Ambassador Mr Harry Skilton is leaving them today to start his career as a Royal Marine Commando. Mr Skilton joined the

MPCT attend the Armed Forces Covenant, Employer Recognition Scheme Awards

The Armed Forces Covenant, Employer Recognition Scheme Awards was presented on Tuesday 12th November 2019 at the National Army Museum in London. On the evening Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Marvin (Manny) Manfred – Chair of MLT and Jonathan Poyner – Patron MPCT were hosted by Brig Harrington and Ben Onions.  MPCT were nominated to pick up

MPCT Aldershot loss will be the Parachute Regiment gain.

It gives us great pleasure in sharing this wonderful story of positive progression. It comes from Centre Manager, MPCT Aldershot, Roshan Poudel. I remember the first time I met Mr Borg on Feb 2016 when he was just 13 years of age. Mr Borg came down to our centre with his mum for a chat

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